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ISO EN 13485 Certified Equipment

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ISO 9001:2015 Certified Facility

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Good Laboratory Practice

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Member of the International Institute of Complementary Therapists

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Testing since 2008 in over 38 countries

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Class 11 Medical Devices


An allergy is an immediate, sometimes dangerous or life threatening, reaction to a food or drink. This is often present from a young age and always involves antibody type IgE and may require the attention of a Doctor or an Allergy specialist. 

Intolerance can be developed later in life and takes longer for symptoms to present themselves, making it more difficult to pinpoint the culprit food(s). Testing can be beneficial to discover the trigger foods and drinks quicker. (This is a non IgE mediated test)

​The two (Blood) (Hair) tests are measuring different reactions and will produce totally different results.

Blood tests can be affected by your last meal, stress or other factors. A blood test will test for IgE mediated allergies and will only produce results listing reactions in the immunoglobulin system.

​Hair sample test is examining changes at a cellular level because the latest science shows that up to 43% of allergies are in fact a reaction in T cells.


We have partnered with a company offering a non-invasive test that uses the very latest bio-resonance technology categorized under Complementary and Alternative Medicines. The same equipment is used by more than 7000 practitioners in Germany, Austria and throughout Europe. This exact testing equipment is used by both Olympic and professional sports teams.



Hair testing was discovered over 25 years ago as scientific studies showed data permanently embedded in the hair. Hair testing is now used regularly in the fields of drug testing, forensic science, nutritional and mineral analysis and hormone testing. Scientists see hair analysis as one of the most exciting areas for development due to the samples and history lasting much longer than blood and urine but also for it being non-evasive and accessible to everyone. Due to hairs ability to store information, many have found it to be ideal for intolerances, nutritional deficiencies and metal toxicity tests.

Why many choose hair analysis:

  • Blood samples start to deteriorate quickly.

  • Hair can store information up to 3 months or more.

  • Hair testing is a much faster process resulting in quicker results.

  • Hair testing is non invasive, so there is no need for any prick tests.

An intolerance is the body’s inability to digest an item properly, whether this is a food intolerance or an environmental factor (a non-food intolerance)

Intolerances can occur due to a number of reasons, the two most common are:

  • The body is lacking the necessary digestive enzymes for the certain food and therefore cannot digest the item properly or efficiently take the nutrients from it. A sensitivity resulting from over-consumption or overexposure.

  • Many symptoms are the result of a sensitivity to a particular item. A sensitivity can occur from overconsumption or overexposure of an item.


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Gut Biome


Hormonal Imbalances


Digestive Health


Metabolism Analysis


157 – Non-Food Intolerances

24 – Toxic Metals


84 – Nutritional Deficiencies


603 – Food Intolerances